Saturday, February 13, 2010


This beautiful brunette studio doll was created by Sasha Morgenthaler and was in the "dollsandreams" collection. When I wrote my first DOLLS magazine article about Sasha dolls I had the privilege of photographing this stunning studio doll.
At the time, she had a strange thin white film over her entire face and body that I suspected was the result of the plastic drying out. After carefully removing all of her clothing I tested a small area on the back of her neck using baby oil. Since most plastics are oil based I thought rubbing oil into the surface, and letting it soak in, might eliminate the white film. If you have ever heard the expression "just dumb luck" you'll understand why this turned out to be the solution to the problem. After applying several coats of the baby oil to the doll's surface the white film vanished.
Years later I heard that other collector's had used similar techniques to restore some of the studio dolls that had developed this condition.
In the early 1970s the studio dolls were prized by collectors but had not yet reached the value they enjoy today both esthetic and monetary.
Sadly, these photos do not do this doll justice -- she is far more beautiful in person. At the time I had a deadline to meet and only took these few photos. She had a stunning blonde sister in a white dress that I also restored but never photographed.
Now, looking into her face, I realize just how unique she really is. Even in these photos one can see the beauty of her eyes and the soulful expression of her face. Her tie-dyed dress seems unusual by comparison to most of the dresses I have seen in various books and publications.

I wish that I had taken more photos of both dolls but, as they say, hindsight is 20/20 and back then I had no idea what these dolls would come to mean to all of us decades later

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