Shortly after its publication, the North American Bear Company, bought the rights to produce a plush version. The first season there was just the large size Hug in his signature red scarf. Then came HUG JR. in his turquoise scarf and later on they introduced BABY HUG with his signature baby bib.
HUG became the national spokesbear for BEAR-AID, a division of SAVE THE CHILDREN. We toured America raising money for the charity and HUG made lots of celebrity friends along the way. He was even hugged by Madonna.
Inspired by the work of SAVE THE CHILDREN my family adopted a young boy in China. Later we brought him to America and adopted him legally. Now he is a student at Princeton.
HUG's bear BUDDY was introduced as a give-away in association with BEAR-AID and TEDDY BEAR REVIEW magazine was one of the primary sponsors.
During those years I was working as a counselor with terminal children and their families. We gave over three hundred HUG bears to the children and many (sadly) went to Heaven with their young companions.
Of all the toys I have designed, none is closer to my heart than HUG. He was a wise and loving bear who brought joy and comfort to many.